Would you like to earn money while keeping your current job, while you’re on vacation, or while you sleep? Say hello to the world of passive income from affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing sounds fancy, but it’s quite simple. The concept is to help drive traffic...
When deciding to sell products online, you have an option as a merchant to either sell your products on a marketplace or create your website. Selling products online has many advantages, some of them are the ability to reach more customers, sell at any time of the...
Our world is rapidly being transformed by artificial intelligence (AI) in ways that were unimaginable back a decade or two. Although AI is nothing new, the term itself was coined way back in 1955. In 1950, as referenced in Alan Turing’s published work titled “Computer...
Short History of Influencer Marketing. In 2006, Ted Murphy launched PayPerPost, it is the first marketplace that pays bloggers to create content for brands – this began what we know today as influencer marketing on social media. It is not surprising that influence...
You’ve decided to launch your own eCommerce business. It can be a scary proposition, but undeniably exciting at the same time. As a fellow entrepreneur, we will not sugar coat it, but you will face many challenges. You might have killer products/services and plan to...
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